Principal Message


Registration Code aysk00484

Date of Birth  07-11-1965


B.A.M.S.Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 1992 

M.D. (Kriya Sharir) Lucknow University, Lucknow) 1995

Address  101/3 KKR

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From The Pen of Principal

It gives me immense pleasure for being the head of this Institute.  Institute has achieved recognization among various Ayurvedic Colleges of North India.

The purpose of every science is to serve human kind and seek their welfare. According to ancient Indian philosophy the purpose of life is to achieve DHARMA, ARTHA, KAMA and MOKSHA. To achieve this, a healthy body & mind are most essential, those are provided by Ayurveda. The western world is now looking towards Ayurveda and they are working in this field. This development produces great opportunity to us but with great challenge and responsibility to prove Ayurveda a brighter future. I fail my duty if I do not thank my Faculty, Staff and Students for their whole hearted co-operation


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